
Tämä tuli vastaan… Ja olisi lähes synti olla jakamatta tätä tekstiä 😉


”The half-halt in dressage is the balancer, the reinforcer, the reminder, the rejuvenator, the engager, and the tool to draw the horse’s attention back onto the work. Yet, we still see many riders who instead of perfecting the half-halt with their seat, pull on the reins, shortening more and more the horse’s neck until he submits to being pulled around the dressage arena.

What is really happening here, is that the rider is trying to half-halt before establishing the correct position on the horse and so must compensate their own lack of balance by using leg and rein simultaneously to ask the horse to engage, and thus trap the horse and force him into submission.”

Niin vaikeaa kuin se onkin… Jatkan harjoituksia tämä mielessäni. 😉

Hyvää yötä!

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